If you have never seen dolphin stranding feeding before this comes highly recommended.
Via our golf cart:
Drive our golf cart to boardwalk #1. This boardwalk is for owners only but taking our golf cart will allow you access (otherwise use boardwalk #2 - just a longer walk). Follow the boardwalk to the water. Cap'n Sams inlet is about a half a mile walk to your left. It's best to go just after low tide. Please do not try to get to close to the water or the dolphins will not feed.
The dolphins in our area are known for strand feeding, where they push fish onto the beach and then follow to eat them. We hope you are fortunate enough to witness this rare and incredible sight. More common in the spring and fall, feeding activity typically peaks within 3 hours of low tide each day. A favorite viewing spot is at the northernmost tip of North Beach at the Cap’n Sam’s Inlet.
Please follow these guidelines: